I blame my daughter Nicky – she is a great believer in having a month of birthday celebrations, rather than just celebrate on the actual day. I’m not quite as bad as that, although so far I have had two birthday get-togethers. Earlier last week two friends and I went out to a local café for lunch, and very nice it was too, some nice “girl time” together.
Then on Friday we met up with a group of friends. As a group we have been meeting up monthly for absolutely ages, about 30 years, believe it or not, and each month one of us plans an outing. Sadly, some of the original members have passed on, although some newer friends have since joined us. In the early years we were quite active, did a lot of walking up hills and down dale, along the coastline, visited museums, exhibitions and gardens. Over the years we have slowed down a lot, and several have mobility problems. So instead, these days we do lunch.
October was my month to organise something, and I decided on a lunch at The George. Non of our guests had dined here before, nor even Robin. Although I had been here previously for lunch and morning tea with ladies groups.
Our table at The George
We soon settled down to peruse the menu and make our choices. I enjoyed my Seafood Pasta, and Robin had a nice steak, while a couple of the others chose from the cabinet food. I’m always amazed that the staff take photos so willingly, guess it’s all part of their training and service, to keep the customers happy. I really do appreciate it, as most go out of their way to snap several photos from different angles so graciously.

We were a slightly smaller group this time, as one couple had a previous commitment. But still good fun, good food and good company. After a drive around the grounds to see the huge amount of building taking place in this Retirement Village, everyone met back at Villa 50 for coffee and cake.

Carrot Cake
Poor Gemma nearly came to grief when we were enjoying our coffee and cake. One of our guests had been to the bathroom, come out and shut the door closed. Which meant that Gemma couldn’t access her dirt box – no wonder she was running to and fro and getting agitated. Catastrophe finally averted, but we will have to remember the door issue next time we have visitors.
My actual birthday is on Friday, when we will be away at a Caravan Club Rally for the weekend. I’m planning to purchase another cake to share with everyone. Then the following weekend we are having a small family lunch out at another local café, and there will be yet another cake involved. Nothing wrong with that, is there. After all, it is a reasonably big birthday to celebrate!