Our last quilt club night of the year was quite a busy affair. Chattering members filed into the hall and dropped off donations for Ronald McDonald House. Then into the supper room with plates of home made goodies for our special Christmas Supper. Our President Leigh looked the part with her Christmas hat firmly on her head as she started the meeting.

Leigh – looking rather like Mother Christmas
The group of stitching friends who call themselves the “Evening Bags” got up on stage. They had set themselves a challenge to finish up a UFO that they had hanging around. These really came out of the woodwork and and dated back to 1995, 2001 and 2007. The ladies did very well to finally complete these projects.

Evening Bags and their finally completed UFOs
The Show and Tell was full of lovely items, as usual. I had taken my just completed Christmas quilt along – more about that in the next blog. I had seen Jan’s black, white and red quilt at a couple of Friday stitching nights, and she brought it along to show us before it was given away. Constructed of pieced blocks and alternate log cabin blocks, this striking quilt is a Christmas gift for her son and his wife.

Jan’s black, white and red quilt
This lovely quilt was made by a first time quilter from a pattern in Homespun magazine. Sadly I didn’t catch the name of the quilter, who chose to do buttonhole appliqué for her very first quilt, featuring owls and birds in a tree.

First time quilter made this
Sadly another name I missed was that of the proud grandmother who made this music quilt. Her granddaughter plays the cello in the Brisbane Youth Orchestra. She will surely love this quilt made with all sorts of music inspired fabrics.

Musical quilt going to Brisbane
Who wouldn’t love this cheeky fellow? Kaye made her Father Christmas Hat wall-hanging from a kit from Grand Mother’s Garden shop. I’d love to make one of these too!

So cute
Then Rona and her troupe of “Ukaladies” entertained us. We didn’t know there were so many different types of ukuleles around, there was a banjo ukulele, an eight string, and an electric base, together with plenty of the standard type. The ladies sang a variety of songs, finishing up with a Christmas selection, and we all sang along too. Don’t know who was having the most fun, the performers on stage, or the audience.

The Ukeladies performing on stage
The with a “ho, ho, ho” Santa and his elf arrived with a big bag of gifts, one for each club member. That was a surprise. We all lined up for our gift, and those who wanted could sit on Santa’s knee. I didn’t need to be asked twice, and poor Santa bravely gritted his teeth while I perched on his knee. Good on you, Santa!

I’m getting a cuddle from Santa
After that excitement we all gathered in the supper room for a lovely spread. There were plates of food galore, enough to feed a hungry army. It was a lovely finish to a great evening. Many thanks to the committee for organising such a wonderful finale to the quilting year.