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Monday, October 23, 2023

Good News, and a Birthday

There was excellent news for Robin at his appointment with the orthopedic surgeon last week to check on his knee replacement.   There were x-rays on the monitor showing the replacement pieces, and everything looked nice and straight, we were told.  The wound has healed nicely and Robin’s knee movement is excellent.  We were told that slow improvement will happen over the next year or so, but everything looks fine, and he can do away with the sticks.  Yes, he is cleared to drive, so a caravan trip will be happening in the near future.  Yippee to that!


We had planned to go to Speights Ale House for a celebration lunch.   A Speights beer for Robin and a bubbly for me while we checked out the menu.  What to choose, that always takes a bit of thought.  I had pork belly, no surprises there, and Robin chose a big juicy lamb shank.  We hadn't planned on dessert, but a cinnamon oyster each with coffee afterwards was just a mouthful and so light and  tasty.  After such a big lunch, there was no evening meal for us that evening.


At Speights for a celebration lunch

Recently I spent some time at the hospital having a “new to me” procedure – a Nuclear Medicine whole body bone scan.  This was rather like an MRI but without the infernal noise and took a hour for the machine to do its thing.  The nurse kindly  let me take a photo.


I have getting back pain for some time, and as a cancer survivor, was quite concerned.  But the report came back clear of anything nasty – such a relief, only showing arthritis in my spine.  So as you can imagine, I was so relieved, and will no doubt need a doctors visit  on how best to manage with my back.  Get more exercise, he is sure to say!  I am so grateful to my lovely oncologist for organizing this appointment for me, it has certainly put my mind at rest. 

My birthday has rolled around again (how old, you are probably thinking?)  Old enough to have a major birthday coming up in a couple of years, but we will worry about that later when the time arrives.  The pair of us had a nice lunch out at a local café, the food is great here and it is always a busy place.  I had my camera on the table and the young waitress spotted it and asked if we could like a photo taken. Yes please, I said, it’s my birthday lunch.   How’s that for customer service!


Birthday lunch at Salt and Pepper Café

I had beer battered fish and Robin had a very large steak.  And I succumbed to a little something extra, just because it was my birthday.  We had a huge piece of the cafes famous carrot cake each, that took some eating, and neither of us quite managed to finish our piece of cake.


Look at that cake!

Robin was pleasantly surprised when he went up to pay the bill.  Because it was my birthday, the café gave me my coffee and cake for free!  And as well, they gave me a couple of extra stamps on my coffee card to accumulate for a future free coffee when the card is full.  Goodness me, I didn't know they would do that.

So it’s good health news for both of us, and  birthday celebration too, how lucky are we.


Jo said...

Congratulations on the good news for you both and your birthday. I must ask what is a cinnamon oyster though?

Anonymous said...

Great news for both of you! Happy birthday, Jenny! Gail at the cozy quilter

Juliana said...

Hooray for good health news!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like a good birthday and so nice that the doctor arranged for a bone scan I'm sure that set your mind to rest.

Julierose said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many many more for you!!:))))
Good news for Robin--great that he's done so well...and that your bone scan was clean, too...
My that food looks so good.
hugs on a cool and windy day Julierose--Winter is knocking on our door here....

Tired Teacher said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I’m thrilled that both of you had good news from your checkups - the best birthday gift of all.

Jenn Jilks said...

Happy birthday!
And what a delightful post. Good news and good food and good folks!

Judith nb Serena said...

Good news on both your medical checks, a relief all round. A happy birthday to you Jenny. Lovely food. One thing we loved when we visited New Zealand was cakes and coffee everywhere we went. Enjoy your next caravan trip.
Judith nb Serena

Lyndsey said...

Happy birthday Jenny. Great news about Robin's knee follow up and your bone scan. I had one when I was diagnosed with cancer and as you say it is much quieter and more comfortable than an MRI