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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Summer Gold

Talent abounds in our small town.  Embroiderers from Levin have produced a replica of a Gil Hanley photograph entitled Golden Summer.  Each embroider were given a photograph of a section and separately worked on their panel.  Working on their own piece of fabric, each didn’t know what piece of the photo the others were working on.  Each were free to choose their own threads and techniques.  It took about 18 months to complete the large piece, which was framed and called “Summer Gold”.  This has been on show recently at Te Takere Library, along with a copy of the original photograph.  Several of the ladies who took part are also members of my Quilt Guild.

Close up of one of the panels

The completed project


Nancy J said...

Oh My, this is ,well, I cannot find the words, so from my Roget's Thesaurus, come... Drum roll please... Magnificent, impressive, admirable, sumptuous and gorgeous, all rolled into one.

Nancy J said...

On to Live Writer, ( not working from a few days ago) this is now Open Live Writer, and there are huge problems there too. Hope it gets sorted soon, , but many comments on the bad timing, and why wasn't the new one sorted first. Blogger seems so slow to load photos. Today I resorted to copying and pasting my post from Live writer, then adding photos once it was in blogger. I am posting this here, in the hope it might help others.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Jenny, I am completely in awe of this work. Ditto everything above! You are so right when you say a talented group of embroiderers. And what a neat idea. Thanks for sharing.