Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Friday, May 24, 2024

We've been Busy

 We've had a busy old time lately.  Robin had a hospital procedure recently, one of those which require drinking large amounts of horrible liquid before hand - I'm sure many of you have undergone this as well.  Driving up to the hospital early in the morning, he had his paperwork done, changed into a gown, and taken away.  While I waited I spent some time in the hospital cafe with my book, a cheese scone (not the best one I've ever eaten), coffee, my knitting, and my phone, waiting for the call to come and collect him.  The procedure went well, the results were good, and there is no follow up, so all is well.

Morning tea while waiting for the call

Knitting and my batik  hospital bag, made by Jean

With a weekend caravan club rally planned, we went early and stayed at a new to us camp, parking  beside an older lady who lives full time in her motor home.  She was 94, and had just passed her drivers licence again, she proudly informed us. What an achievement.  The grand tour around this little village didn't take too long, but was still quite interesting.  driving around,  up and down the few streets, then we stopped at the beach.  Cell phone reception here is very weak, and there is a platform on the beach to climb up to and hopefully get a stronger signal.  Here in towns and cities we just take cell phone coverage for  granted, and don't think of the problems those living in smaller places may have.

Local cell phone users come here for a better signal

On leaving the next morning we stopped SH3 to check out Turakina Antiques and Collectables, after years of driving by, towing the caravan behind,  This place was huge inside, room after room choc full of crystal, silver, fine china, and some furniture.  Cabinets were packed full with crockery and china, there were several large dining tables with large place settings, and cabinets full of other collectables.  All quite beautiful, but nothing jumped out to say "buy me".  It was sad to see so many beautiful treasures, sold off and looking for new homes.  These beautiful items for sale needed a large colonial home with big rooms to show them off.  

Inside the antique shop

Then we enjoyed a weekend away with the caravan club, up to the coastal village of Kai Iwi.  The beach is rather wild with signs warning of the dangerous conditions.  We glimpsed a tiny little hut for Life Guards tucked away overlooking the beach.

At the beach

Our club President had arranged a visit to local car enthusiast Sandy's home to view his cars.  Sandy wanted a sports car with a long bonnet but couldn't find a commercial option, so decided to build one himself.  No plans, it was all in his head, just waiting to be acted on, he said.  What a clever man, so talented and I'm sure not many people would be able to accomplish such a thing like this.  I know that quilters can design and make a quilt from their imagination, but this is certainly a much more technical achievement.

An original car, designed and made by Sandy

Time for lunch - but with the first choice closed up tight, we backtracked to Pukeko's Nest Cafe.  There was a group from a car club in attendance taking up a lot of tables,  but we managed to find a couple of tables for our group, and settled down to enjoy our lunch.  Soup was on the menu so that was my choice, and Robin enjoyed his bacon and egg sandwich.  Robin and I posed in front of the place names inside the cafe for a photo shoot.

Then just the other day we met up with our SLG friends for lunch, it was my turn to arrange this and we met at Porirua at Denny's.  There was plenty of choices on the extensive menu, but it still took us  a while of dithering to finally decide.  Calvin and Helen had recently celebrated their 65th Wedding Anniversay, what a wonderful achievement.  They will be enjoying a big family celebration very soon.

Calvin and Helen

We all enjoyed our meal choices, and even indulged in desserts, that doesn't usually happen at lunch time.  It was lovely to catch up again with everyone.  Another customer was walking by and offered to take our photo for us, how kind.

Calvin, Helen, Robin, Jenny, Trish

With all these happenings going on, it is no wonder that my stitching projects have been neglected.  But never mind, it's been lovely getting out and about, and we are home this weekend, so I should be able to spend a little time in the sewing room again.


Kim said...

Wonderful Robin's procedure was successful. The wool you are knitting is colourful and lively. Fabulous variegations. How clever Sandy is. That red car is a beauty! I cannot imagine building it with no instructions....such amazing talent. It looks as if you've been having a blast getting out and about with your van enthusiasts, Jenny.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

You and Robin have been very busy. I am so glad the procedure went well. It is so nice to hear that you both have been out and about . It sounds like you always have so much fun when camping.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Sounds like a fun time, enjoying time with friends and visiting interesting places. The sign on the viewing platform made me smile!

ButterZ said...

All sounds wonderful. Wow 65 years.

Julierose said...

How wonderful to meet up with friends and visit places together...;)))
We are celebrating our Memorial Day here this long weekend....
I am layering up "My Little Flag" quiltlet and "My 109 Little squares No, 2" today...
That should keep me busy...enjoy your weekend hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I don't think I would want to travel by myself at 94 but to each their own
Looks like you had a good time with your friends - lunch is always fun

Ali Honey said...

Ah I(we) was in the same Whanganui area as you right then. For me not such a nice time as my only sister was dying in the hospital there.
Likewise we have driven by the Turakina op shop and never stopped.
65 is a wonderful achievement for your friends.

Maria said...

So good all went well with Robins test. Hospital cafe food isn’t like home cooked .
You’ve enjoyed another fun filled trip with friends and visiting interesting spots.

FlourishingPalms said...

Oh gosh... that cell phone platform sure gave me a giggle. What can people do without cell phone reception?! Talk to each other in person? Admire a view? :-) Looks like a nice getaway.

dq said...

Ninety-four and still passing the driver's test? Wowzer! My dad will be 80 soon and I took a long road trip with him driving. He was very good. I don't worry about him yet.
You were well prepared to stitch while awaiting the procedure. WE quilters know how to not waste time for sure.