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Saturday, May 25, 2024

More Pink RSC Blocks

 The Rainbow Scrap Challenge colour for May is pink, and I've finished two block sets for the month.  Easy peasy sewing, and now they are done, I can get on with something else.    First up were my four patch units, something I had prepared earlier, as the TV cooks say.  I checked them out and discovered I had five pink four patch blocks this month.  Horses with flowers, flags, stripes, a pretty unicorn with stars, and another with dogs, cats and sheep.  A rummage through my bag of bits to find some fabric strips, and there, all done.

Framed four patches

Three Happy Blocks were made, butterflies and flowers were soon stitched, these are such fun blocks to make.  They will be added to the ones already made over the last few months.  But have I told you I have two sets made last year, one for a boy and one for a girl, still waiting to be made into a quilt.

Happy blocks in pink

In between times I've been doing a little sewing on my daughters birthday quilt for next year, a few blocks at a time.  It will be a big bed quilt so will take me a while.  Plus I always seem to have plenty of other projects on the go.  As I often tell hubby, I'll never run out of things to do!


Maria said...

Some more great blocks to make into a quilt later in the year.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

as quilters I think we never run out of things to do - we might put aside a quilt top for a month or more but most times we get back to them

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Fun and pretty blocks, Jenny! I enjoy building quilts with a few blocks at a time each month. I'm glad we never run out of things to do!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such pretty blocks, Jenny. You are so right quilters never run out of projects to work on.

Jackie said...

Great blocks there Jenny. I am always amazed at how many colours you have in your stash.

God bless.

Susan said...

Well done on your pinks & happy blocks. They are so versatile.

Astrid said...

Pretty pink blocks, Jenny. As long as we have fabrics, we'll always be busy!

Kim said...

Lots of pretty blocks in sweet fabrics, Jenny. Isn't it nice that we always have something to stitch or knit or crochet.....?? We will never be bored. :)

Preeti said...

That is one thing I can be sure of - never running out of ideas for the next project and the number of next projects! Looks like you have pretty pink blocks to add to the pile.

Susie H said...

Good job on your pink blocks. It's a good feeling to get the "requirements" over and done with so you can move on to something else. Hope you're having a great weekend!

FlourishingPalms said...

As much as I kid myself about eventually using-up all my fabric, I think you're right about "... never run out of things to do." Fabric will be available in my stash, even if I never buy another bit! Still, it's good to see you using what you have - the color pink - to keep up with the RSC challenge. Good work.

TerryKnott.blogspot.com said...

Your framed four patches are terrific. I've seen so many happy blocks turned into amazing quilts. Your blocks will become wonderful quilts too!

dq said...

I look forward to seeing your RSC quilt with all the blocks done - down the road of course.