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Sunday, May 5, 2024

Family Time at Hawkes Bay

 The last four days have  been spent in our caravan at Napier NZMCA Park.    There was a sad reason for our trip, to attend the memorial service for my brother-in-law Dennis.  My sister Kathleen passed away three years ago during Covid lockdown, and her husband Dennis died last week.  We were pleased to attend and support my niece and nephew, and their adult children.  It was a nice service, sad at times of course, but plenty of happy memories.  Dennis enjoyed writing and several of his poems were showcased, I particularly liked this one, very apt at this stage in our lives.

Hideout Henry

I'm playing hide and seek with Henry, and I'd better find him quick

I'm wobbly today and kind of dizzy, and Henry's my walking stick

Today we called around to the family home and I collected a couple of bags of Dennis's clothing, to make a quilt for his grandson Adam.  There are shirts and pyjamas to work with, and I decided I will keep it simple.

Plenty to work with in here

There are always a couple of favourite places we like to return to up here when we visit.  Such as Arataki Honey, where Robin refilled a jar with delicious Manuka honey, and purchased a slab of Manuka comb honey too.  So yummy.

Honey time

And we really needed to visit Silky Oak Chocolate for morning tea, well, that's what I decided.  How about an iced chocolate for him, and a hot chocolate for her.

Deliciousness indeed

Of course, I needed some hand work with me to do, so I packed two knitting projects.  First was a pair of socks, but that didn't go well.  I'm up to the heels, but forgot to bring the pattern, so no  knitting on project number one.  And my new blue cardigan, which sad to say, has been unravelled a couple of times already.  The pattern took me a while to get it in my head, but I think I've got it all right now.  

I had trouble getting this lacy pattern right

Gemma always enjoys her time away, and likes to spend a little time outside, safely on her harness and lead.  That's until a noisy car drives by, or a dog appears, then she is back inside in a flash.  Then she is quite happy to look out the window to check things out, maybe she will see a few birds out there.

What's out there, Gemma?


Maria said...

Those shirts and PJs will make a great memory quilt for Dennis’s GS.
You enjoyed a few delicious stops on your travels.
Great photo of Gemma looking out the window.

Kim said...

So sorry for your loss, Jenny. Such a great idea to make a quilt out of your brother-in-law's clothes for his grandson. I like the cardie you are knitting. It's a lovely colour blue. Lacey patterns can trip one up in the beginning but once you get used to the pattern it's usually smooth sailing.

The Cozy Quilter said...

My condolences to you and your family on the death of your BIL. It sounds like he had a great sense of humour—-love his poem! Gemma is always up for an adventure. She’s a good traveller. Always good to have some stitching or knitting with you to keep your hands busy. Take care. Gail at the cozy quilter.

Julierose said...

Sad trip--but happy to hear you got to relive good memories with family...
Some lacy patterns are really difficult--I like the ones with a regular shorter repeat pattern...or i did when i used to knit...
pretty blue yarn...hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sorry of your brother in law's passing. Good you were able to be there for the nieces and nephews. Always a bitter sweet time - tears, but plenty of laughs in remembering times past the stories just flow at times like this.

Jackie said...

I am so glad that you are making something for your brother's grandson out of his clothing. I have done so for a number of my friends and they really appreciate the time and effort.

God bless.

Michelle Ridgway said...

I am sorry to hear of your family's loss. Always a sad time and sure your niece and nephew appreciated you being there for support...always have great admiration for knitters...such a pretty blue x