Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Sew Wot Tuesday

 It was my turn to be hostess this time, and I welcomed the ladies inside.  Two of our group couldn't make it this time.  The day was rather cold, wet, and miserable, but the heat pump made the room nice and cozy.  We needed the lights on too, it was a rather dim day outside.

Sandra had brought a bag of feijoas around from her tree.  Not everyone likes feijoas, but I certainly do.  How nice,  thanks so much, Sandra.

A bowl of feijoas

There was very little show and tell this time.  Jude had made some tiny booties and a little hat, aren't they just gorgeous.

Hat and booties made by Jude

And I showed the pretty flannel with a crochet edge that my daughter had made me for Mother's Day, and the pink 4ply socks I had recently finished for my daughter's upcoming birthday.

My show and tell

Everyone was busy knitting during the morning, except for Heather who was hand stitching her Kawandi piece.  This will be the front of a bag, when it is finished, and contains pieces of pretty fabrics donated to he a while ago.

Heather's Kawandi piece

Morning tea was served, including "Mum Gunn's Savouries", a recipe which my daughter had written out  by hand as a young teen, so I've had it tucked away for quite some time.    I hadn't made these for a while, and they were nice and warming on such a chilly morning, being bread cases with corn, bacon and cheese filling.  Robin was home so joined us for morning tea as well.

Morning tea time

Carol, Heather, Sandra and Jude


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. So many fabulous projects in the works. I have never heard of feijoas; it was so nice that Sandra brought you some to enjoy.

Jenn Jilks said...

Fun times! Lovely snackies and projects. You have so much fun!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your living room looks very comfortable for a chilly winter day or is it still autumn in your area. Your tea looks wonderful!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

I had to look up feijoas, as I have never heard of them. Sounds like they are delicious and sweet, and a New Zealand favorite.

Jackie said...

Oh my those bread cases and stuffing sound amazing.

While not as much show and tell as usual, what was shown is as usual lovely.

God bless.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I've not heard of that fruit, Jenny. Interesting. Lovely spread there to enjoy and so curious about the stuffed bread cases as well. Lucky Robin!

Maria said...

Another lovely morning with you Sew Wot friends.
You put on a delicious spread and as usual some great show and tell.
I’ve never seen feijoas or tasted them.

FlourishingPalms said...

How lovely to have a cozy morning in with friends. Your treats look so good, especially that "savouries." You all share some pretty pink things. And I find your friend's Kawandi so interesting! I've never seen Kawandi done that way, with stitches crossing different fabrics in different directions. I've only seen it stitched in rows, albeit sometimes uneven rows. I love such hand-stitching.

dq said...

Food and friends, what else do we need? Oh yeah, some type of stitching. Looks like a great day!