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Sunday, May 12, 2024

More Knitting and Happy Mother's Day

 I seem to be busy knitting a lot lately.  Probably because we have been away for several trips in the caravan, and had a bout of Covid too last month.  So sitting at the sewing machine just didn't happen for a while.

So what have I been knitting?  Socks of course.  My daughter chose this pretty pink sock yarn a while ago and I've been diligently knitting away.  As soon as I grafted the toes I just had to cast on another pair of socks, navy blue yarn I received for my birthday, so this pair is for me.  I knit my socks flat, two at a time, and have still to stitch up my daughter's pink pair.  That shouldn't take me too long though, just a matter of sitting down comfortably and getting it done.

Pink for my daughter, and navy blue for me

Now that winter is almost here, I'm pleased I finished these nice cozy triple knit (12 ply) socks for myself a while ago.  Made from gifted home spun wool together with a ball of Speckled Yarn, they will certainly keep my feet toasty warm.  

I had also knitted up four dish cloths in acrylic yarn using "Aunt Ev's Favourite Dish Cloth Pattern" from Make it Do patterns.  Two of these have just found a new home, so I'm pleased about that.  The next dish cloths I make will be done in knitting cotton, and I have several balls tucked away for when I'm ready to start this project again.

New socks and dish cloths

It's Mother's Day here in New Zealamd today.  We were enjoying our early morning cup of tea when I received a text from my daughter, Nicky.  "Happy Mother's Day, have you opened your present yet?"  No I hadn't so up I got to check out my gift from her.  Inside the gift bag was a card, a pretty flannel (face cloth) with crochet edging and a bag of home made chocolate dipped dried apricots.  How lovely.

From my daughter

Then later in the morning I received a phone call from my son Michael, who lives in Christchurch, so I'm a happy Mum indeed, hearing from both of them.

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful women out there, hoping your day was a pleasant one.


Gretchen Weaver said...

Your socks look so good, it doesn't seem to take you very long to knit them! Enjoy the treats from your daughter, it was nice your son took the time to chat. Blessings!

The Cozy Quilter said...

Happy Mother’s Day, Jenny! I wonder if your new socks will have some sort of colourful pattern with that multicoloured wool. Your new socks look very cozy.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

you knit well - I have been taking a little break it seems like from piecing, I just haven't felt like it much lately.
Happy mother's day

Julierose said...

What a lovely gift from your daughter--;)))
I used to find sock knitting so relaxing--uh at least that long cuff was--turning the heel a bit of a challenge--but if I could sit by myself and concentrate, not too bad!! :))
Hugs, Julierose

FlourishingPalms said...

I looked up the dishcloth pattern, and it's very similar to the one I make. Two differences are: 1) I use #10 knitting needles (not #6); and I begin to decrease after 43 stitches (not 49) stitches. I have found homes for all those I knit, which I make while talking on the phone wearing earbuds. I donate some of mine to a charity that gives them out to people who live in the forest. They're used as face cloths. How wonderful that your children phoned you on Mother's Day! It means they care, and that's so very special. I will be surprised if I hear from my children, but happy Mother's Day to us!

CathieJ said...

Happy Mother's Day. I love all the socks you have made and are currently working on. The speckled yarn made those socks quite interesting. Your gift from your daughter is sweet. Mmmm....chocolate covered apricots. Yum!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jenny! The best thing definitely is hearing from your kids, isn't it? Your new socks look warm and cozy!

Karrin Hurd said...

Happy Mother's Day! It is Mother's Day here too! Lovely socks as usual. Glad you recovered from Covid OK, that is no fun.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jenny. I hope you have had a lovely day. Love the crocheted items you have been working on. Gorgeous edging on the dish cloths. Enjoy your day. Hugs.

Jennifer said...

i love the socks- fun! i'm wondering if you're willing to share your pattern of knitting the two socks together, but flat? sounds intriguing, and i think i'd get a bit more sock knitting in that way!

Astrid said...

Happy belated Mother's Day! Here, we have to wait until last Sunday in May. Great gift from your daughter, and phone calls too, the best. Pretty socks and dishcloths. 'Winter' beginning here too, but still warm inside without wearing socks.

Maria said...

Pleased you had a lovely Mothers Day with nice gifts and phone call.
Beautiful cosy socks you’re knitting and have completed.

time4stitchn said...

So sorry to hear about your bout with Covid. I hope you are recovering well. You never know how it affects each person. My daughter has long Covid again and is not back to work for the 2nd month. But I admire your sock knitting. Really, I do. I love the soothing of knitting, but can never seem to finish more than a shawl. Happy Mother's Day to you. So good of your kids to stay in touch.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Happy belated Mother's day. Nice to have a little spoiling. Your socks are so pretty xx

Jackie said...

Lots of lovely knitting happening at your house. Happy Mother's Day a bit late.

God bless.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Ooh, lots of lovely knitting on this post! Those pink socks look snuggly. Hope you had a Happy Mothers Day.

dq said...

The crochet edge around the towel - love it!!! I have not seen that done before. I've only seen it around baby blankets.