Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Sew Wot Tuesday

It was so nice to meet up with the Sew Wot Ladies today, especially as I couldn't make it last time.  Heather was our "Hostess with the Mostest" today and warmly welcomed up into her home.  After we had settled down, show and tell got under way, starting with the last two items from the Doily Challenge being shown.   Late last year we were able to select a doily of our choice from Helen, and the instructions were "to make something".  Helen had made a lovely bag, using a vintage pillowcase and added the embroidered detail from the doily to the front corner.  Then she showcased her wonderful machine quilting to the top and back of the bag.

Helen's wonderful bag

Heather showed what she had done with her doily, turning it into a pretty lace cushion.  The rows of lace covered up a couple of spots on the doily beautifully.  The small embroidered motif peeked out from a corner, and the cushion was finished off with a lace edging.

Heather's lace cushion

Carol passed around several of her knitted toys, commenting that they had been made from gifted yarn she had received from the a couple of the ladies.  Then a bag full of smaller toys were tumbled from a bag - she puts in such a lot of work making these toys for donation to several good causes.

A big pile of toys made by Carol

I had brought along my recently finished 4ply blue socks to show.  I wanted to use up the remaining coloured wool from a previous pair, but then had to purchase the blue sock yarn to complete them.  So now I've got the remaining blue yarn left over.  No wonder there is always bits and pieces of sock yarn hanging about - I'll just have to knit more socks!

My blue 4ply socks

And what's this from Heather?  She was very pleased I identified it as a llama.  Heather is a member of the Spinners and Weavers group, and every Christmas they do a yarn swap.  The idea is to make something and  bring it back to show to the members.  Heather received the fluffy brown wool and decided to make the llama - isn't he wonderful!

Heather's llama

Morning Tea, as usual, was delicious, and we sat around the large table enjoying the goodies and our tea or coffee.  Thanks so much Heather for a lovely spread, we certainly never go hungry.

Morning tea is served

I noticed this delightful art piece on the dining room wall, so had a closer look at it.  This was made by f Heather's daughter as a 60th Wedding Anniversary gift, and is chock full of tiny buttons, charms, old jewelery  and all sorts of little treasures.

60th Anniversary gift

We had a wonderful morning chatting away, and we all seemed to be busy knitting, no stitching this time.  Thanks so much Heather.


Lyndsey said...

Another fun meeting with like minded friends with beautiful makes from all the ladies. I'm still a little jealous of your sew wot group as I can't find or create a group of like minded ladies near me at the moment.

Julierose said...

What beautiful items on display--love that llama and your striped blue socks are sooo pretty.
And that Button Tree picture is amazing--what a splendid idea...
What could be better than a lovely show and tell and all that yummy food, too...
hugs, Julierose

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love that art work with buttons - so creative

Jenn Jilks said...

What amazing work you all do! I love it.

Jackie said...

Once again the ladies out did themselves. I really like the art work done with buttons, charms and other goodies. That llama is darn cute as are all the lovely toys.

God bless.

Maria said...

It’s always surprising what lovely idea come from a challenge.
Beautiful bag and cushion.
Lots of cute Teddies and the Llama 🦙 looks great out of the fluffy wool.
Oh yes a delicious spread was put on by Heather.

ButterZ said...

All those items were so cleverly made. The 60th anniversary gift is very special