Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

What's on the Table?

Another tablecloth, another story.  This tablecloth was purchased as a kit, way back in the mists of time.  So long ago I can't even remember where and when I bought it.  I thought it was lovely, the design was marked on the linen fabric, the lace edging was attached, and all the threads were ready and waiting.  But, I'm not really an embroiderer, and long ago I decided that I really didn't like working with stranded threads.  So the kit sat, lonely and forgotten, and I seem to remember it was discovered when we moved homes from the Hutt Valley to here in in Levin.

Several years ago I asked my daughter Nicky  if she was interested and would take it off my hands.  Yes, she said, took it away, and out of sight, out of mind, I forgot about it again.  I presumed that she would perhaps stitch it and keep it for herself.  She diligently stitched away, and presented it back to me a while ago as a birthday gift, or maybe Christmas.    I was speechless

 Hand embroidered by my daughter Nicky

There is such a lot of work in this, it must have taken her ages.  I really appreciate each and every one of those stitches she made, this gift is so beautiful.


Maria said...

Nicky has done a beautiful job of stitching the tablecloth and it looks lovely on your table.

Tired Teacher said...

It’s beautiful - your daughter did a wonderful job! Enjoy

Julierose said...

What a lovely, thoughtful gift;))) Enjoy hugs, Julierose

The Cozy Quilter said...

The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! Your daughter obviouyinherited the sewing/embroidery gene! Beautiful job! Gail at the cozy quilter

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

she did a great job on the tablecloth! now you get to enjoy it without the work

Twyla said...

What a THOUGHTFUL gift. You have a lovely daughter.

cityquilter grace said...

a lovely family heirloom

Jackie said...

What a great job she did of stitching this. It is beautiful.

God bless.

Astrid said...

That's a beautiful tablecloth! Your daughter did a great job, and such a thoughtful gift. My late Mom was an embroiderer, unfortunately I have not inherited that gene!

Connie said...

That tablecloth is absolutely gorgeous and what a thoughtful gift. You certainly have a talented daughter.

Michelle Ridgway said...

Oh how lovely and how special. Your daughter has done beautiful work x

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

That is just beautiful! How wonderful of your daughter to gift it back to you.

Janice said...

I’ve finally had a chance to catch up on your blog posts since we headed to the UK in May. You have been very productive. Isn’t the Chookshed Challenge the best thing to keep us motivated, as well as RSC. I see you have also been out and about with your caravan and your other friends. Do I see that you have a new(ish) vehicle to tow your van?

FlourishingPalms said...

How lovely! It's not only pretty on your table, but hand-stitched with love by your daughter makes it especially so. What a nice keepsake!