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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Christchurch with Michael

 We traveled down to Christchurch to spend some  time with my son Michael to celebrate his 60th birthday.  He had a busy week as he had flown up to Wellington to spend a couple of days with his Dad, then flew back down again in time for our arrival in Christchurch.  I had booked a table for dinner on Friday night at the Platform Brew Barn, a riverside establishment in Kaiapoi, quite close to where we are staying at the NZMCA park.

Platform Brew Bar

This was a busy and popular establishment indeed, and we took a little time checking out the menu.  It was an easy choice for me, roast pork, Robin chose sirloin steak, and Michael decided on a burger.  Don't ask me why, but we all ordered dessert as well.  We really didn't need it, but it did taste nice.

Birthday Dinner

Then we met up for Sunday breakfast.  This was another very busy cafe and we ordered our breakfasts, and sat at chatted away.  

Michael and his Mum

Sign in the cafe, who would have known

So what else have we  been doing while down in Christchurch?  We took up drive up to the top of Dyer Pass yesterday a narrow twisting road very popular with cyclists, who seem to dice with death with the cars as they whizz along.  We were doing a return visit to   the cafe The Sign of the Kiwi, famous for their date scones.  We secured a table, and sat and enjoyed our afternoon tea.

Date scones and coffee

Plenty of happy customers

The Sign of the Kiwi was one of four rest houses built to provide access and refreshments for people walking on the Port Hills, back in the 1920s or so. 

 Way back then

Another place I was keen to visit was the nearby Kaiapoi Woolen Mills, which made the famous Kaiapoi wool blankets, a household must have back in the days when every home had cozy woolen blankets,  before duvets made an appearance.   Opening in the 1880s the mill was a boon to the town and recruited skilled weavers and spinners from the north of England.  The company secured contracts to supply cloth for military uniforms for both World Wars, but business slowly dwindled post war and the company closed in 1978.  However, I'm sure there are still many Kaiapoi blankets tucked away in households throughout the country.

Kaiapoi Mill buildings

Gemma is enjoying her caravan trip, having short trips outside the caravan, safely on her harness and lead.  She is not really very brave and prefers to sit in the doorway to keep an eye on what is going on without feeling threatened.  Dogs and noisy cars send her scurrying back inside to safety.  Another thing she enjoys is insisting that we open the wardrobe doors for her to climb inside.

The wardrobe makes a cat friendly hidey hole

My knitting is continuing slowly, but as I tell myself, every little bit helps.  More knitting took place while I sat and waited at the local laundromat.  Holiday or not, the washing (and drying) still need to be taken care of!

Laundry day in Kaiapoi


Nancy J said...

Wonderful to be there for a special birthday.Hope the weather plays nicely.

The Cozy Quilter said...

So nice to have a visit with your son for his birthday! You always find such interesting places to visit while out on your adventures. Cats do love to have a cozy place to curl up! Have a great week.

Susan said...

you've been having a great trip - would be good to catch up with your son. Those date scones looked like they were at leat50% date!


It sounds like you had a wonderful time celebrating Michael's 60th birthday in Christchurch! The dinner at Platform Brew Bar and the subsequent breakfast sound delightful, and it’s always great to enjoy some delicious desserts, even if they’re a bit indulgent. Your visit to The Sign of the Kiwi and the scenic drive up Dyer Pass must have been a memorable experience, especially with those famous date scones. Thanks for sharing these lovely moments!

Read my new blog post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2024/08/best-ways-to-style-pink-shorts-for-chic-spring-summer-look.html Thank you.

Maria said...

It was lovely enjoying spending time with Micheal for his special birthday.
Those date scones look delicious.
Ah the washing always need to be done.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love seeing parks that have a rest stop with refreshments - one rarely sees that in the US the first time I saw one was at a park in Canada - half way to the top a small establishment with snacks and bathroom. Glad you were able to take you son out for his 60th birthday

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy Birthday to your son, Jenny. It sounds like y'all had a great day. It is wonderful the Gemma enjoys traveling too. I always enjoy seeing photos of her; she is a sweeties. Hugs.

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday to Michael. He is a very young looking 60. Gemma is guarding the caravan for you.

God bless.

Berkshire Tatter said...

Happy Birthday to Michael. It is always good to spend time with family.

Janice said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful catch up with Michael for his birthday. ….and you are well… especially those date scones