Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Sew Wot Tuesday

 I was the hostess this week so I didn't have to venture out in the wet weather, just wait till the guests arrived.  Two of our friends couldn't make it so there were just 5 of us this time.

Heather, Jude, Helen and Carol

Show and tell is always exciting, so nice to see what the others have been busy making,  Carol had knitted another baby woolly set for donation, a warm and cozy vest and matching teddy in orange yarn for some lucky little baby to take home from hospital.

Carol's baby knitting

Helen brought along a couple of house blocks she had made for the quilt club challenge. There are all sorts of details in these.   Ooops, the photos won't turn around.

Helen's house blocks

Heather had found an assortment of cat fabrics trucked away which she put together to make a donation quilt.  This is nice and cuddly with a pink fleece backing.  Some cat loving child is sure to love snuggling up with this.

Heathers cat quilt for donation

And I had brought out my recently finished children's unicorn cushions I had made.  These will be donated too.

My children's cushions

Morning tea was served but I forgot to take a photo.  But I'd made some delicious hot cheese rolls, a South Island delicacy, warm and tasty on a rather chilly morning.  As well as chatting the morning away, most of us were busy knitting and Heather was adding stitches to her pretty pink Kawandi piece, which will eventually get made into a bag.

Heather's stitching

We had a lovely morning together, and it was so nice to host the Sew Wots here at our home.


Maria said...

Lovely to host the Sew Wot ladies at your home.
As usual the ladies had lots of great show and tell .

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

such a variety of projects - everyone keeps so busy

Julierose said...

Just lovely projects your lady friends are making!!:))) That pink kawandi is really pretty!!
So wonderful to have like-minded crafty friends close by..hugs, Julierose

loulee said...

There is always lots to see when the sew wots get together.

Jenn Jilks said...

I love the colours. So right and beautiful

Jackie said...

I love seeing all the projects you ladies are working on.

God bless.

Karen S said...

Great to see all the show and tell.
Glad you kept warm.