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Sunday, September 24, 2023

This and That

That’s what I've been up to with my hand work, a bit of this and that.  Remember those Noah’s Ark blocks?  Well, I’m another small step forward on this project.  So far I’ve cut the blocks apart, and have been sorting through different colours to border each small stitchery.  These blocks are tiny, although  I had already enlarged them from the original pattern.


Decisions, decisions

I need to find myself another stitchery pattern now.  Although it generally takes me a while to work on these type of things, I really do enjoy this easy stitching.

Last night after dinner we sat in front of the TV and decided to watch Jurassic Park, the very first of the series.  My goodness, how young our Kiwi film star Sam Neil looked back then.  It had been a long time since we originally saw this film, and I could remember some bits and pieces as it evolved, but not everything.  Certainly an oldie, but well worth watching again. 

What to choose to knit during our film watching time?  I couldn't decide between which pair of secret socks to continue with, so I decided to start a new project.  Can you guess what it is?  And no, it is not another dish cloth.


More knitting


Anonymous said...

Those Noah embroideries are just so darn cute…I am looking forward to seeing how you put them together. I’m going to have to wait to see what you are knitting…. Gail at the Cozy Quilter

linda said...

Good luck with your tiny blocks, small things are so fiddly but always look good when they are done. I'm not sure what you could be knitting, I love the yarn, now you've got me thinking do tell haha, have a great Sunday. 😊

Angela said...

Those blocks are so cute!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I really don't remember that movie well at all!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Noah's Ark blocks are going to be so cute with those bright borders, Jenny! We haven't watched Jurassic Park in a long time either, but that series has always been a family favorite. Enjoy your knitting today!

FlourishingPalms said...

It's good to see your progress toward finishing those Noah's Ark blocks. I like that you're considering using rainbow bright colors around each stitchery. That's a great idea, especially if you're thinking to gift this to a child, or for hanging in a child's room. Interesting that you'd mention "Jurassic Park." It's an oldie but goodie, for sure. Just this morning during church, our pastor mentioned another oldie but goodie - "Rainman" from 1988. It too is worth watching again, I think. Can't imagine what you're knitting now, with that triangle-shaped beginning. That's a very familiar start to me, when I knit dishcloths, so I have no other guess.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh, Jenny, your Noah's Ark blocks are going to look amazing bordered in the lovely fabrics that you have chosen. I am looking forward to seeing them. Jurassic Park is a good movie; I enjoy watching it whenever it comes on. Have a great week.

Jackie said...

Slowly but surely the Noah's Ark will be done.

I often knit dishcloths or simple shawls/blankets while watching the television in the evenings.

God bless.

CathieJ said...

I love the bright colored fabrics you have paired with the Noah's Ark embroideries. I have never seen Jurassic Park. I think it would give me nightmares. Enjoy your mystery knitting. I don't know what it is.

Astrid said...

Your Noah's Ark blocks are really cute. Great idea using rainbow bright colors as borders. Hope you enjoyed re-watching 'Jurassic Park'. Can't remember much of it either. What are you knitting? I'm not good at guesswork, but I'm trying; a scarf?

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The Noah’s Ark blocks are going to be even cuter either the frames around them. I think you’re knitting a blanket.

Maria said...

Firstly your Polar Bear aqua RSC quilt in previous post looks great.
Those Noah’s ark blocks will look lovely with the colourful borders.
No, can’t guess what your new knitting project is.