Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Sew Wot Tuesday

Sadly it’s been a while since I’ve been able to catch with with the Sew Wot Ladies, what with Robin’s various hospital appointments and his knee surgery.  But I finally made it yesterday, and it was great to catch up with everyone again.  Heather was the hostess this time, and I had two rather belated gifts to hand over, one for Sandra and another for Heather, who celebrated birthdays during my absence.

Heather was having a sewing room clear out, and had a couple of boxes for us to look through.  Most of the items found new homes.  I took home a couple of large fabric pieces which will be useful for donation quilt backings, plus  a kit of bits and pieces to make a boy’s donation quilt. 

Of course there was show and tell.  Helen had Uncle Peter’s quilt to show us, this will be for his new bed as he has recently moved into a rest home.  By all accounts he has settled down very well and enjoys his new home and having people around him to chat to.


For Uncle Peter

Helen also had a nice selection of charity knitting  to show us.  She admitted she loves knitting, but is not too keen on sewing the items up, I can relate to that.


Helen’s charity knitting

Carol had stitched up a pretty black and white quilt top – this is for her grandson’s girl friend. And she also had a purple and yellow knitted set for donation – a singlet, hat and matching toy.


Made by Carol

Because I hadn't  been able to attend for such a while, I had several items finished some time ago, but not yet shown to the Sew Wots.  My boy’s transportation donation quilt and three draw string bags featuring nurses, these will be going to Foster Hope.


For Foster Hope

Plus I had some knitting to show.  A little three colour jumper, plus Robin’s birthday socks.


Knitting projects finished

There was plenty to chat about, and interesting enough, everyone was knitting away during the morning.  Heather was knitting a pale green knee rug, using some pretty yarn she had been donated, and Jude was busy with a sock.


Jude and Heather


Carol, Mary, Helen and Sandra were busy knitting too

It was a lovely morning, many thanks to Heather for being the hostess and serving us a delicious morning tea, and also for the craft goodies to look through and take home, much appreciated.


Maria said...

So nice for you to be able to catch up with the Sew Wot ladies and enjoy show and tell as well as lovely morning tea.
How’s Robins knee going ?

ButterZ said...

It’s good to see the knitting needles being active.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

wow that is a huge knee rug one is knitting it looks so soft and comfy. So many items to find new homes it is good to share the products we no longer want to use isn't it. Uncle Peter's quilt looks great!!

Julierose said...

Sounds like you really enjoyed getting back into "the swing of things" with your crafting ladies;)00 Such lovely items all. hugs, Julierose

Tired Teacher 2 said...

The Sew Wots always have a wonderful array of crafty goodness!

Lyndsey said...

I so love reading about your meet ups with these ladies. I really wish there was a similar like minded group near me.

loulee said...

Lots of lovely inspiration. I do like Uncle Peters quilt.

Jenn Jilks said...

I'm glad you got caught up!
These dang health appointments!

Jackie said...

I so look forward to seeing everything that your group has made. Such lovely items.

God bless

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Belated birthday wishes to Robin...love the photo of him clutching his chocolate and socks. Tony would love both too. And your meringe pie looks delicious.
Aww, the Sew Wots again...so enjoy these posts as you know, Jenny. And so envious too of such lovely stitchy companionship. It is getting to knitting season here and I wonder if I have what it takes to learn how to knit socks...

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

It looks like all had a great time catching up and being inspired by one another. So many lovely projects. You and the other ladies are very talented. Have a great weekend. Hugs.