Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

A Busy Morning

What could be busier than a 5.00am wake-up call?  Just as well we set the alarm on the cell phones to get us up early one day last week, now we are retired our mornings are no longer ruled by alarm clocks.  Robin was having a procedure done at the hospital and we had to be up, showered, dressed and on our way bright and early.  Driving to the hospital takes about 50 minutes but we like to allow about an hour, just in case.  And just in case it was, when we came to a complete standstill behind a long line of cars, with the road closed for a collision further along the road.  Luckily we had room to turn around and take the alternative route, so we weren't late for our check in time.


We made it in time

There is always a lot of waiting around, but Robin was eventually assessed, forms filled in and was finally whisked away.  I took myself off to the hospital cafe for a much needed cup of coffee and to relax with my book for a while.  And a rather stodgy cheese scone, but it filled the gap after our very early morning departure. I’m really enjoying Philippa Gregory’s version of “The Other Queen” telling the story of Mary Queen of Scots time as a prisoner in England.  Although I know the story quite well, I just cant get enough of these Tudor tales, and this author writes them extremely well.


Morning Tea

I had plenty of time to wait, so sat and did some knitting for a while.  This is secret sock knitting for a gift.  A young woman came and joined me at my table, and chatted about knitting.  She commented that I use my hands to knit much differently than she does.  Guess it is the way we were taught, but I’m certainly no expert. 


Secret Socks

After several hours waiting the call came through, Robin was ready to be collected.  The doctor came and talked to us, the procedure went well, but he will have a follow-up in several months time.  Time to get dressed and head for home.  On the way out of the hospital we came across a big pile of Covid tests, take some home, we were encouraged.  Sure enough we did, it’s always handy to have a couple of these at the ready, both at home and in the caravan.


Free test kits, to help ourselves

Once home, we both went for an afternoon nap to recover from our busy morning.  It had been a bit stressful too, of course, so I think that added to our feelings of fatigue.  No cooking duties for me that evening, we ordered in pizzas for a change.


Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad Robin's procedure went well and you were able to pass the time. I think when it comes to knitting and quilting we all tend to do things just a little differently depending I think on if we taught ourselves or who taught us. So many different ways to do it. Your socks look so nice. That is nice to still get free covid test - I have a stack here at home that we got free when they were giving them away - I don't think they are doing that anymore and these have probably all expired by now but I will keep them handy for a little bit as I hear it might be making the rounds again this late summer/fall. I need to check and see when I can get a new booster maybe with my yearly flu shot this fall?

Jackie said...

I love that series of Phillipa Gregory. I have started her other newest series that start with Dark Tides.

God bless.

Janice said...

It was a busy morning. I’m glad to hear that Robin’s procedure went well. Crafting and reading always help fill in waiting time. A friend recently commented that I have an unusual crochet style, but it works for me. I suppose we all just have our style that evolves over time. That’s lovely wool. How good to receive free RAT tests. They are quite expensive over here. It’s always good to have them on hand.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Glad all went well. A great book does help pass the time when waiting.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Allowing time for the unexpected is something I do as well. I don’t like being late, especially to medical appointments. Knitting in public seems to always attract people.

Julierose said...

You certainly had a busy day of it--hope everything went well...;)))
Knitting is always a great take-along for waiting...hugs, Julierose

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Sounds like a long day, but I am so glad that Robin is doing well. Gorgeous fibers that you are using to knit the socks. Have a wonderful week.

FlourishingPalms said...

I know what you mean about being retired, and finding it a bit challenging to get up for an alarm. And I also understand about planning for traffic. I'm glad you made it on time. Thanks for the book suggestion. When I'm ready for a change of pace, and want a bit of history, I'll look for it. How nice that you could pass the waiting time with knitting, and a little conversation. Interestingly, we too picked up some free COVID testing kits. We visited my 93 year-old dad in an assisted living facility, and a box of them was by the door with a "help yourself" sign. Hoping we won't need them, but they're good to have on-hand. I hope Robin is doing well.

Karen S said...

They do like to start early in hospitals. But glad you made it there and that all went well.
yes, you do need to be organised with books and projects when you have a lot of waiting around time.

Maria said...

Pleased all went well with Robin.
Good you took along a book and some knitting to keep you busy while you waited.

Connie said...

Waiting around is more tiring that being up doing things. Ordering pizza for dinner sounded like a very good idea.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I've had the most enjoyable read, Jenny, getting caught up on your posts. I'm happy you got to show that lovely horse quilt to so many folks; I can see why they loved it. Interesting to see the diversity in hobbies. Yes it is winter into spring there for you so the sock knitting is going well. I really should take myself in hand and learn that skill. You do exactly as I did when Tony had a weekly appointment for many weeks at the big hospital. No problem to pass time when you are a stitcher! And so happy Robin had a good result with wishes for no further issue s with this. But here there always seems to be something. Poor Tony.

Sue Rostron said...

Hi Jenny, please can you let me know the sock pattern you use. It looks easier than some that I have seen.