Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Friday, December 30, 2016

A little stitching, and a Christmas Wonderland

We haven’t come too far on our Christmas break, just 30kms up the road to Foxton Beach School to join other like minded people looking for a relaxing time at the Drop In Rally.  People can stay as long or as short as they like – some stay the whole 10 days and others just a few nights.  I’ve been relaxing inside with a little stitching, trying to escape from the cool wind which sees to blow most days.

Just a little stitching

We felt another earthquake too, as we were sitting outside under the awning.  As  the vibrations travelled up the legs of our folding seats we looked at each other and said, “Did you feel that?”  Luckily it was just a small earthquake and I’m sure if we had been walking around we wouldn't have noticed it at all.

In the evening a few of us went for a walk to check out the Christmas lights on one of the local houses.  It was a wonderland indeed, lights all across the front, up the driveway, and visitors were invited to view even more at the back of the property.


Lots of flashing lights outside

Then the home owners kindly invited us inside to see their other decorations.  The bedrooms were decorated with Christmas duvets and ornaments where everywhere.  Even the “little room” had a Christmas theme.  The dining chairs had special covers too, and there were beautiful decorations in every room.  This family takes Christmas very seriously!  It was so nice to see it all, and we thanked the owners for their kindness in sharing their love of Christmas with us all.

P1030251. P1030252
Toilet and dining chairs with their Christmas finery


Nancy J said...

We felt the quake too and wondered if it was the start of another big one. Lovely to sit and stitch in the cool. Only 5.4C this morning, where is summer? It came by about 10 a.m. and is hot now. Enjoy your days at the beach.

Raewyn said...

It sounds likeyou are havig a relaxing break Jenny :-) The Christmas Wonderland looks like a really fun place to visit! Happy stitching and happy 2017!

HEATHER B said...

Hi Jenny. Happy New Year and lots of stitching and travels good health to you both. Im not even going to growl about the NON summer weather at the moment as its given me a chance to look out some projects for the coming year. All the best.