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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Happy Birthday Robin, and a Zoom Call

Robin has just turned 75 so of course he needed to celebrate.  We had a family lunch on Sunday, and both of his brothers and wives were able attend, as did my younger sister and her partner.  Daughter Nicky and her hubby, Emma and Megan our two granddaughters, plus Emma’s boyfriend.  Quite a crowd in our little house.  We were so lucky with the fickle Spring weather, it was warm and sunny so it was very pleasant out on the patio with  extra seating, sheltering under the archgola.  The blokes joined Robin for a beer or two outside as he tended to the lamb on his Webber BBQ.


Two small legs of lamb

Our casual lunch was very tasty, if I do say so myself.  I decided I didn't want to go to a café/restaurant for the birthday lunch, and was happy to do it all at home.  Dessert was a selection of sweet treats, many thanks to my sister Karla for making some delicious chocolate eclairs. There was plenty of food, which also means plenty of tasty left overs to enjoy later as well.

Then came the cake cutting time, and we all sung Happy Birthday to the birthday boy.  The carrot cake was delicious – but we didn't bother with 75 candles.  Glasses of bubbly were raised to wish Robin Happy Birthday and many more.



Happy Birthday Robin

Our poor cat Gemma is used to a quiet life with just the two of us at home.  So she was getting a little anxious with so many people in the house.  I put her in our bedroom and shut the door, but she wasn’t happy with that turn of events either!  Many thanks to the family for coming to share Robin’s special day with him.

As for that zoom call, it was only the second one I had ever done.  Luckily Robin remembered that he had set up zoom on my tablet, and once the code number was phoned through from the hospital, I was good to go.  Oh no, I had the picture, but no sound!  That was soon fixed, and I settled in to talk to Mr Woon the neurosurgeon about the recent MRI taken 15 months after my spinal operation.  He wanted to know how I was getting on, and if my previous symptoms had abated, yes they had, mostly, so he was pleased with that.  Then he showed me pictures of my spine, and pointed out in the earlier one how the spinal cord was swollen from being compressed.  Luckily the current MRI confirms that the swelling has now gone, I’m so relieved about that.  And to keep an eye on things, and to make sure the problem doesn't return, he will order me another MRI in two years time.  I was very pleased to be  zooming with Mr Woon, and to receive such positive news!


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Happy birthday to Robin. It sounds like you all had a grand celebration and the lamb looks so yummy. That is wonderful news that the swelling has gone down and your back is feeling better. Wishing you a beautiful day, Jenny.

Janice said...

Happy Birthday to Robin. That’s good news from the doctor. Now that you’ve worked out Zoom, why don’t you join us in one of Chooky’s Zoom parties. We’d love you to join in. They’re a lot of fun.

ButterZ said...

Great results for you. Happy birthday Robin

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

glad you back is now well. I do not think I have ever cooked lamb - it is not something we normally have much of in the states and it is very pricey here. I really need to try it sometime.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Robin! It’s lovely that so many gathered to celebrate. Happy to hear your good news from the doctor, too!

Julierose said...

Happy birthday to robin and many more to come:000
That cake looks so luscious--yum.
Really good news on your back--wonderful results you've gotten.
Hugs, julierose

loulee said...

Happy Birthday to Robin. And I second Janice's motion that you join in with a zoom session.

Maria said...

What a fabulous birthday you had Robin with your family.
Great news from your doctor via Zoom.
And yes love it if you joined the Chooky Zoom party.

nestki said...

Congratulations to Robin on his birthday, and for the party and your good health news. Lots to celebrate!

Karen S said...

Happy Birthday wishes to Robin. It looks like a lovely day with delicious food.