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Monday, August 3, 2015

Spiral Quilting finished

I’ve finally finished the spiral quilting on my current UFO, and it was quite hard going, I must say, but I kept on persevering.  My walking foot didn’t seem to performing properly, and I assumed it was pulling at the back because I had to keep turning the quilt in a circle.  But……….at the end of my quilting marathon when  I started to remove the walking foot it fell down into my hand, and it seemed obvious that I hadn’t inserted it correctly in the first place!  How stupid is that!  All that trouble, and it was my error right from the start.   What kind of quilter am I?

P7220011 Spiral quilting completed

Luckily, all the frequent pressing over my quilting lines on both the back and front seems to have “ironed out the problem”, so to speak.  The next step is to prepare the binding and sew it on. 

I had decided that this new fangled spiral quilting wasn’t for me, after the problems I had with the tension.  But I will give it another go, I think, making sure my walking foot is attached properly next time.  What a dummy – I can’t believe I did that!


nestki said...

Try not to be hard on yourself. Things like that happen all the time, at least to me. I just say, "That's sewing!" I am amazed that I ever finish a project. Each project takes at least twice as long as I expect because I have to do everything once, undo it, and do it again. Usually I end up taking quadruple the amount of time as my original estimate. I believe that the joy you receive from this beautiful finished quilt will last and the memories of your frustration will fade. I think your quilting looks professional; I never would have known that the walking foot was loose if you hadn't told us! Thank you for sharing your crafting journey.

Nancy J said...

So easy to do I'm sure. Lovely design, apart from your troubles.

Jenny said...

Thanks ladies, for your kind words.


Katie said...

Does it help if I say I’ve done it too? :-)

Kate said...

Your quilt looks lovely Jenny.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

What kind of quilter are you? My kind, LOL. I can't believe some of the mistakes I've made. I just shake my head at myself. Just today when I was cutting a thread I cut a little hole in my block; I couldn't believe that! Your quilt looks wonderful and you will always have a well attached walking foot from now on.