The heavens opened and the rain came pouring down as I made my way to the Sew Wot stitching morning. It was a matter of grabbing my rain jacket, can’t remember the last time I got it out of the wardrobe. Then I drove through the heavy rain and received a warm welcome from Moira, our hostess for the morning. Although I have driven there several times, I still like to get my local map out to check the route, so I am absolutely sure which streets to turn down. I’ll let you into a secret - my well known lack of navigation skills and abysmal sense of direction is the reason we have a Garmin Sat Nav in our tow car for when we are travelling around with the caravan.
Mary had been very busy since our last get-together and brought along two boys quilts she had made for Ronald McDonald House. One featured animals and tractors, and the other was made with the ever popular Thomas the Tank Engine fabrics. With super cosy fleece backings, both are sure to gladden the heart of a sick little boy and ease his time in hospital.

Animals and Tractors quilt

Thomas the Tank Engine quilt, both made by Mary for Ronald McDonald House
In between all the chatter, there was plenty of hand work taking place. Heather was hand quilting her hexagon quilt, Carol was working on another stitchery, she loves doing these, and Moira was busy stitching her latest hand appliqué block. Moira loves quilt books, so her newest ones were passed around for us all to check out – I’m sure we all found a quilt or two we would love to make. And as for me, I spent the morning sewing in the ends from my appliqué blocks – that kept me quiet for a while.
There was the click clack of knitting needles too, in the room. Mary was trying to use up her old wool and had started a white baby’s cardigan. But she must have been too interested in the general conversation and wasn’t concentrating on her pattern, so off the needles it came to be unravelled. Helen had finished the vest she was making at our last Sew Wot morning for her grand-son, and was now knitting him a matching blue beanie.

Helen’s knitted vest for her grand-son
More beanies were duly admired – Mary had made these pretty ones for her two young grand-daughters.

Pair of beanies made by Mary
It was a bit like a lucky dip when Moira asked if anyone wanted to give some of her scraps a new home. The bag was passed around the group, and we all had a dig and a delve inside to see if there was anything useful. I pulled out some neutral strips which will come in handy for one of my UFOs – which still needs a number of strip pieced blocks in beige or white.

Moira’s bag full of scraps
Morning tea was very tasty, as usual, especially Moira’s delicious Ginger Ale Fruitcake – we all rather liked that. And some of us left with a bag full of feijoas, freshly picked from the tree in Moira’s garden. And in case some readers haven’t yet discovered this delicious fruit, this is what a feijoa tree looks like – you may just make out some of the green fruit growing amongst the leaves.

Feijoa tree in Moira’s garden
It was another pleasant Sew Wots morning, spent in good company while we stitched, knitted, chatted, and generally put the world to rights. Thanks to Moira for being the hostess today.