My quilt blogging adventures started way back on 7th October 2009. And this is how it all started:
“Once upon a time a quilter wanted to create her own quilting blog. The couple already had a blog, a travel, adventure, town and around type of blog. Not quite the place to share quilty news and show quilt photos though. The quilter was already quite an experienced blogger but was having trouble with all the technical setting up details. Thank goodness that the husband was a bit of a techno whizz and sorted it all out for her. And now, a couple of weeks later, all the bugs have finally been ironed out. Here we are, all set and ready to go.
Wife, mother, sister and friend, I am all of these things and cherish the relationships I have. But there is one more very important label, I am a quilter, and quilting is my passion. New projects, works in progress, UFO’s (unfinished objects) I love them all. I belong to my local quilt guild and enjoy being part of the Sisterhood of Quilters”.
Like all new bloggers, I wondered if anyone would actually be interested and read it. (And become a follower). My first blog received a comment from the lovely
Lis in UK. We had the privilege of meeting up with Lis and Alan during their trip to New Zealand in April 2010, and it was great to meet them both. I have also met Miche’le of
By Hoki Quilts earlier this year during our South Island Odyssey trip, who served us delicious home made scones in her lovely shop while we chatted away as quilters do.
So why do we blog? I guess it’s because we enjoy our wonderful craft of P&Q and any other handwork we like to do. It is so nice to reach out and connect with other readers and bloggers throughout the world. I like to read what others are getting up to, things they have seen, and find out about where they live. I will never be an award winning quilter – but I have been honoured to meet a couple of these talented ladies who are members of my former quilt club Pinestream Quilters.
As we are moving house (our new house is yet to be built and we are currently living in our caravan) I intend to join the local quilt group, and hopefully make new quilting buddies in the near future.
So, I need to do something to celebrate my 500 blog anniversary, wouldn’t you say? So how about a mystery give-away? Leave me a comment, perhaps about how you found out about Romany Quilting, or anything else you would like to say, and I will draw out a winner. And Happy 500th to me!

Muffy likes to help