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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sew Wot Tuesday

 We had a Sew Wot Tuesday with a difference this week - Helen had arranged for us to meet at Fox's Cottage.  

This is such a lovely local quilt shop, and has a wonderful range of fabrics, patterns, notions and classes.  I know some of us took the opportunity for a little retail therapy while we were there.  I purchased some more pinks and greens for my daughter's big birthday quilt.

This is only one corner of the shop, there is plenty more

I wasn't able to attend the previous get-together, so there was a lot of catching up to do. We were working too, of course, there was a bit of sock knitting going on, some EPP, and a binding being stitched down.

Jenny, Carol, Jude, Helen, Mary and Heather

 And Show and Tell of course, there was plenty of that.  Carol had finished another group of baby toys, a singlet and hat to be donated to the Neo Natal Ward.

Carol's donations

Heather had been knitting too, and brought along a baby jacket and hat, plus a pair of socks for her hubby.  She had also made a Walkabout quilt, a request from her daughter to give to her friend.  

Made  by Heather

And this was a bit different, a bright green apron with a pussy cat print for Heather's daughter.  We were all quite intriuged with this design.  There were some interesting class samples hanging up on the wall behind Heather.

Nice and bright, just what Heather's daughter ordered

I had brought along my recently finished Kiwi placemats to show.

My Kiwi placemats

Helen was working on something different, a sashiko teddy bear kit she was  making for a class sample.  This is going to be really cute when it is finished.

Helen's project

There was plenty of morning tea to share, and the owners and staff came to join us, between customers.  It was such a lovely morning.

Plenty of morning tea


Jenn Jilks said...

That looks like another marvellous time!
I love the photo of all the material! Reminds me of my sewing days.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

a perfect place to meet up and visit and get shopping and stitching in. I would have been very tempted to buy!

Maria said...

That was a great idea of Helen to have your Sew Wot GTG at the beautiful quilt shop.
Love all the show and tell made by all the clever ladies…..

loulee said...

Looks like a lovely store. You girls sure do keep busy.

Raewyn said...

Oh we drove by this shop recently...MOML offered to turn around but I thought we'd go past it on the way back - not to be as we went a different route. It looks great - and nice that you could sit and stitch/knit there too.

Julierose said...

All such lovely projects--really cute knitted/crocheted (?) toys; what a great idea to have your meeting in a fabric store--and the treats look yummy, too. Hugs, Julierose

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Sounds like a fun time with friends, and great projects to admire.

The Cozy Quilter said...

A fun place to meet up with your friends for shopping, show and tell and goodies!

FlourishingPalms said...

Sew Wot again?! It seems like you meet often, but I know how time flies. Lovely that you had a different venue for your get-together. It's nice when a quilt shop allows small groups to meet as you did. For me, locally, there's a fee for using a quilt shop room for a small group, so you might guess that I have never done that. It's nice to see what everyone is making, especially that Sashiko teddy bear which is very intriguing. Your placemats look good! What a proud finish for you.

Barwitzki said...

What a lovely meeting and wonderful works. The green apron and your beautiful sets... and the cute baby jacket and knitted socks, just like the quilt.
And the teddy's project looks very good.
Thank you for showing.
Many greetings to you.

time4stitchn said...

How fun to meet at the quilt shop. Such wonderful shows and tells. Is that your sashiko bear? Looks like fun! I'll bet there were a few fun purchases and inspiration galore.