Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Unicorns for Charlotte

 You may remember that I stitched pretty little quilt featuring unicorns a while ago.  It started like this, a cute panel that was looking for a new home, courtesy of Sew Wot member Helen.  The unicorns popped into my bag quick smart - I was sure that I could do something nice with them.  Gemma thought so too, as she inspected the panel.

Approved  by Gemma

So I cut the panels apart, sashed them with different fabrics from my stash, assembled the blocks and added a purple border.  Then one sunny day I pinned the three layers together on the patio table outside.  Serpentine quilting finished off the quilt,  and then I enjoyed sitting and hand stitching the binding down, always my favourite part of the process.  

Our friends were visiting a month or so ago and Trish spotted the unicorn quilt on my quilt rack.  "My great-grand daughter loves unicorns", she exclaimed.  So it was packed up for Trish to pass on to Charlotte.  I was happy for the quilt to go to a little girl who loves unicorns.

Charlotte drew me a picture as a thank you, how sweet was that!  Trish has mentioned several times that Charlotte loves her "blanket".  It's a quilt, I gently remind her.

We have a monthly get-together with these long term friends.  In the old days when we were all so much younger and fitter we would climb hills, go for long walks, and explore all sorts of interesting places.  Over the years our numbers have declined from 12 to just 5.  These days we mostly "do lunch",  and they joined us for lunch during the week at a local cafe.  Yummy food, and plenty of chatter, putting the world to rights. 

Jenny, Helen, Calvin, Robin and Trish

Then it was back to our home for coffee and cake, and even more chatter.  The day was a lovely calm and sunny winter's day, although certainly getting cooler.  Gemma came to see who the visitors were, wound herself around peoples legs, then jumped up onto Robin for a cuddle.

Robin and Gemma

It was a lovely relaxing day, catching up with old friends.


The Cozy Quilter said...

Charlotte looks delighted with her new quilt! Maybe she will be inspired to become a quilter herself one day. You never know.
How wonderful to spend the day with your friends!

Jenn Jilks said...

What a lovely day you had.
Gemma is a very good supervisor! I used to do a lot of sewing and cats would always 'help.' Tee hee.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

From that big smile, it’s clear that Charlotte definitely loves her quilt!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it looks like your quilt is much appreciated by the unicorn lover!! that is always so nice for a quilt to find a happy home

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

What a darling unicorn quilt and it is so wonderful to hear that it has gone to a new home. Charlotte looks so happy. It sounds like you had a lovely time with your friends. Have a wonderful day. Hugs.

loulee said...

Of course a little girl loves a unicorn quilt.
Sigh, we all have the blanket/quilt problem.

Julierose said...

Charlotte looks thrilled with her unicorn quilt--and well she may be!! I t is so neat;)) Lovely work Jenny
hugs, Julierose

Karen S said...

How lovely to see your unicorn quilt being enjoyed!! Very special.
Glad you enjoyed seeing your friends.

Maria said...

It's always lovely when we can gift a quilt to someone who loves it.
A gorgeous photo of Charlotte on her unicorn quilt.
Great luncheon with your friends and it bets walking or climbing.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

How special to get that photo to see how much your lovely quilt is being enjoyed! What a wonderful relaxing outing/get together with old friends, Jenny. Love that photo of Robin and Gemma too.