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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Birthday Socks

 Now they have been received, I can show the birthday socks knitted for my long term friend from my schooldays, Merilyn.  These were rather special as I used Merilyn's double knit cream home spun wool which she had sent to me, plus a commercial sock yarn.  These two yarns knitted up to triple knit, or 12ply, and make a lovely cozy pair of socks.  This is what remains.

The left overs

I've hunted high and low for a photo of the completed socks, to no avail.  But I can show this one, looks like I have just finished the heels, and was now starting on the feet.  I knit my socks flat, two at a time, and when completed, stitch up the side seams.  The coloured sock yarn knits up as little specks of colour throughout with Merilyn's cream home spun, quite a nice effect.  Sometimes you just don't know how the colours will turn out till you get started.  

Birthday socks for Merilyn

We had a nice chatty phone call, and she is thrilled with her socks, they fit perfectly, she said.  That's a relief, I made them to fit me, and as we are a similar size, just hoped our feet were too.  Here is a photo of us together earlier in the year, when Merilyn and her hubby came up to Wellington for her brother's funeral.

Old school friends together

As for my other knitting, it's coming along slowly.  I've two pair of socks on the go, plus a blue wool cardigan for me.  I had wanted to do an easy lacy pattern, but try as I might, it just didn't work out.  I'd knit the lacy row, and find out I had an extra stitch somewhere along the way, that just doesn't do in lacy patterns does it.  After unravelling my knitting for the fourth time, I'd had enough, and decided to do a simple textured pattern instead.  I just wanted a design simple enough that I could sit and knit without thinking too much in the evenings, or while knitting in the car.  This will be a long term project - after all, I will have to keep knitting socks too, won't I.

My new knitting project, the colour is more blue than shown here


Gretchen Weaver said...

The socks turned out very pretty! Blue is a perfect color for a sweater. Happy stitching!

Kim said...

12ply socks would be warm and cosy. Lacy knitting can certainly trip us up. It can be easy to end up with the wrong amount of stitches at the end of the row.

The Cozy Quilter said...

Marilyn’s socks will keep her feet warm on cold days! A wonderful gift. Lovely texture on your new cardigan knitting. I have a couple of friends who make me socks. I have not attempted to make any yet.

FlourishingPalms said...

Oh my. Those speckled socks are simply lovely! They have such a nice soft look to them too. I bet they're cozy-comfortable, and that Merilyn will love wearing them. Such a nice picture of the two of you. I think it's great that you've been friends for so long. Personally, I don't know where many of my school friends are... or even if they're still alive. Guess that's what happens when people move away. I'm glad you two remain in touch. It's grea that you have knitting to pass the time. Your creations are always pretty.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I wish I could knit as well as you do!!

Karrin Hurd said...

You always make such beautiful socks! Happy knitting!

Quilter Kathy said...

The sock yarn is so pretty... I'm sure your friends loves them!
Happy Stitching!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

The socks are so lovely - gorgeous fibers that you are using .I wish you a fabulous day of knitting.

CathieJ said...

I love how the yarns blended in those socks. I am looking forward to watching your progress with that pretty blue cardigan.

grammajudyb said...

Beautiful socks for Merilyn! So cozy looking! I’m sure your cardigan will be lovely. The texture looks soft and feminine!

ButterZ said...

The coloured flecks through your socks are pretty. I loved knitted socks too. I have 3 pairs.

Raewyn said...

The yarn combination was a great idea - the socks look great, I'm not surprised your friend loves them - amazing being friends for so long!! I love the stitch pattern you are using for your cardigan.

Karen S said...

They must be super warm!
Great yarn combo.