Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Sew Wot Tuesday

Another Sew Wot Tuesday, this time at new member Jude’s lovely home.  Just a smaller number this time with two of our members unable to attend.  Helen had recently celebrated her birthday, and she was the lucky recipient of several lovely parcels, a shopping bag with a picture of a vintage machine, a lovely hand knitted scarf, and bath salts with flannel.  Very nice indeed.


Happy Birthday Helen

Carol started of the Show and Tell with her Big Red Dog, although she did say that he was not one of her favourites.  She really is a marvel with these knitted toys and seems to get them done in no time at all.


Carol and Big Red Dog

Sandra had been very busy and showed us four little quilts she had stitched for Plunket babies.  The Plunket Society had requested the local quilt club make some donations, if possible.  Quilters usually like making baby quilts, don't they, using up petty fabrics, and they don't take too long to stitch.  Sandra was also finishing the edges on a double handed oven mit, which she was making for a friend.


Made by Sandra

The final Show and Tell was Jude’s.  She had completed her crocheted scarf she was working on last time.  And I loved the pretty basket weave knitted baby blanket too, this was to be donated.


Jude’s lovely work

Although I have been spending some time lately at the sewing machine, working on multiple projects, nothing is finished so there was no Show and Tell from me.  Perhaps next time.  We spent the morning swapping stories about our teenage years, that was a fun subject.  And I had to relate my regret about having to miss seeing the Beatles when they came out to New Zealand in June 1964.  I was seven months pregnant with my son Michael at the time, so there was no way I could have travelled to Wellington with all the screaming crowds to see them. 

The Beatles arrive in Wellington, 1964

The Beatles at Wellington Airport with their giant green tikis

After all that reminiscing, it was time for morning tea.  Jude wheeled her lovely vintage tea trolley out, and that brought comments from us all.  We all remembered these in our past, mother’s, grannies, elderly aunts all had and used them.  It was a lovely morning, many thanks to Jude for hosting us.


Morning Tea

During the previous weekend, there had been a right royal show going on.  New Zealand is a Commonwealth country, and Queen Elizabeth is our head, so there was plenty of interest in all the festivities going on in London.  We watched the Trooping of the Colour from start to finish on UK BBC TV, and some of the Thanks Giving Service.  The highlight would have to be the Platinum Party at the Palace.  Even Gemma took an interest, watching intently as Prince Charles made is speech.

Gemma TV

What’s going on?


The Cozy Quilter said...

So nice to have a group of like-minded friends! Mid-morning tea time looks delicious!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I only saw bits of the Queen's four day party from news clips on the news and on line it looked like a wonderful celebration for her. I love that tea trolley - have never had anything like that in the states other than rich people back in the early days having their tea time but the majority of people did not do that. I think it is a custom I would have loved!
Back in the day that the Beatles and so many others were famous I missed seeing them - I think I was 12 when the Beatles arrived in the US - my older sister got to see a show with the duo called Chad & Jeremy if you remember that duo - she was so excited to have shook hands with one of them

Tired Teacher 2 said...

It was lovely to see the many tributes to the Queen. She is an amazing woman and leader.

Jackie said...

The big red dog will make a lovely gift. Kind of reminds me of Clifford.

So glad that you managed another get together.

God bless.

Maria said...

Lots of lovely finishes by your friends….
Always fun chatting about our younger years.

FlourishingPalms said...

I love seeing the world through your eyes, in a different country. Your perspective is so interesting: of the Beatles in 1964 when I was 11 years old and vaguely being aware of their music (I was never a teenage groupie-type fan, of them or Elvis); having a tea trolley (never seen one, but the trolley in your picture is pretty); and attention to the Queen and festivities (I didn't see any of it). It's great to see the world through your eyes, and know what's important to you. Thanks for sharing!

Janice said...

I do enjoy seeing what you get up to at your mornings.