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Monday, July 1, 2024

Chookshed Challenge no 10

 The end of June has rolled around and it's time to report on my Chookshed Challenge number 10.  Here is how it all started.  I had a nice piece of fabric featuring Thomas and Friends with the idea to make into a cot quilt.  Also a small embroidered piece which was to be turned into a matching cushion.

This was my starting point.

The plan was to add borders to the fabric, and luckily I had some red  fabric in my stash for another project, but there was more than enough for me to cut off  several strips.  And there was just enough of a piece of navy fabric for the inner borders.  I pinned the three layers together ready for quilting.  Pinning on the floor is not easy, I should have used the patio table as I usually do.

Pinning down on the floor is not easy

Next was the quilting, quite simple really, serpentine stitch diagonally and vertically.  This however, took me much longer than I anticipated as I cannot sit at the sewing machine for hours at a stretch.  I have to look after my back.

Simple quilting lines

With the quilting finally completed, it was binding time, always my favourite part of the process.  I just love those cute colourful binding clips, and I always use plenty.  I did need to purchase some more navy fabric to use for the binding, I've got plenty left as solids are always so useful.

All clipped up and ready to go

Thomas and Friends

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to work on the cushion.  Perhaps next month.