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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Sew Wot Tuesday and Medical Stuff

 Our Sew Wot Tuesday rolled around again, and rather than have us all drive way out into the country to her rural home, Helen arranged for us to meet at the LQS Fox's Cottage again.  Only five of us could make it this time.  We gathered in the class room at the back of the shop, and Helen had brought morning tea for us and to share with the shop staff - no wonder they are always so happy to see us.  

There wasn't so much show and tell this time, although Helen stunned us with her glorious black and white top, with just a sprinkling of colour throughout.  This was started during Covid lockdown, she told us.

Helen's black and white quilt top

Jude had completed one sock, and was just starting the second,  this was a new to her method knitting socks on two needles, usually she whizzes them up on four tiny double pointed needles.

Jude's new sock with self striping yarn

And I had brought along my recently completed Thomas and Friends cot quilt.

Thomas and Friends

I had to leave the ladies early to drive home, have a quick lunch, then take the Health Shuttle up to Palmerston North Hospital for my oncologist appointment.  I had plenty of time to wait, so settled down in the staff cafe with a coffee and my knitting.

Sock knitting at the hospital

My appointment went well, the results from my mammogram are excellent, and Dr Claire is happy with everything.  Because I took part in a drug trial I get to see the oncologist for 10 years after my diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer, instead of the usual 5 years.  So I can't complain about that, it means an extra 5 years of care.  I boarded the 5.00pm Health Shuttle and we drove home in darkness in the pouring rain, it had been a long afternoon indeed.

Today was Gemma's turn for medical care.  She was bundled into her carry cage and off to the Vet for a check up and vaccinations.  No, she was not happy about the change to her usual quiet day, but tolerated the poking and prodding very well.  The vet, a young woman who came out from Canada pronounced Gemma fit and healthy, with a beautiful coat, and gorgeous eyes!

Where are you taking me?

Both of us have a clear bill of health, so that is good to know.


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I am so glad all went well for you and Gemma at your medical appointments. It looks like a lot of fun with the Sew Wots too

The Cozy Quilter said...

Glad to hear both of you had good reports from the drs. Gemma does not look happy to be in her crate! Finn loves going to the vet. They give him treats and lots of pets-very exciting! I love seeing what your friends have been making. You are all very talented!

Maria said...

I bet the ladies in the shop enjoy the Sew Wot morning tea.
Nice show and tell..
Pleased both you and Gemma got a clean bill of health.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

good to have the follow up care and it appears the drug trial worked out for you! Nice to meet at a quilt shop - I guess it is a long drive to one members house in the country?

Twyla said...

Congratulations and best wishes for the future visits. Gemma is gorgeous.

Ali Honey said...

Good to hear your results . Love Helen's B and W quilt top.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

It’s wonderful that you and Gemma both received Gold stars at your checkups! I wish there was a Health Shuttle available in my area. It certainly would take the stress out of traveling the 50 miles to see one of my doctors. Most of my doctors travel once a month to the local hospital, but not all.

dq said...

Helen's quilt is really gorgeous! I am grateful you took a photo to share with us.