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Thursday, July 25, 2024

Chookshed Challenge for July

Number 1 was chosen for the Chookshed Challenge for July.   My number 1 was to make three unicorn cushions for donation.  

The last of the small unicorn panels

These small panels were left over from making the unicorn quilt which was gifted to my friend's great granddaughter a wee while ago.

Charlotte loves her unicorn quilt

First I had to buy some cushion inners, then I was all set to go.  A couple of afternoons spent cutting and stitching and they were all done.  That didn't take too long at all.

Three unicorn cushions

I will send the floral cushion to Charlotte, to go with her quilt, and the other two will go to the Foster Hope charity for kids in foster care.

With these cushions done and dusted, I had one more cushion to do.  You may remember that last month's Chookshed Challenge was to make a train quilt and cushion.  The quilt was completed but I ran out of time to make the cushion.

Chookshed Challenge for June

I'm pleased to say that the cushion has now been made.  The stitchery was a gifted pattern and I completed it  some time ago, it was  just waiting to be put to good use.  So here we are, I'm pleased with how the quilt and cushion look together.

All done

Now that is out of the way I have time to concentrate on a couple of birthday gifts I'm making.  And do some more stitching on my daughter's big birthday quilt for next year.  The months are slipping away and I want to get it made in plenty of time.

I'm enjoying taking part in the Chookshed Challenge each month, many thanks to the organisors.  It is certainly helping me to get some of these older projects moved along.


Judith nb Serena said...

You certainly put me to shame with the amount of stitching you get done, I can't seem to get started let alone finished at the moment. Earlier in the year I did manage to crochet four lace doilies for my portholes on our boat and over the winter I made my first ever pair of socks (on 4 needles). I love to see all that you make and enjoy hearing about the sew what meetings and seeing what you've all been up to.
Judith nb Serena

Maria said...

Well done Jenny the Unicorn cushions are lovely and the stitchery train cushion does look great with the quilt.
Enjoy working on the special quilt for your DD.

Gretchen Weaver said...

The pillows all turned out very nice, they matched the quilts perfectly! Happy stitching!

Susan said...

Well done on the cushions Jenny. Good finished - and early!

ButterZ said...

Your cushions are beautiful and will be treasured. And your train cushion is so sweet to match the quilt well done on all your finishes. Good job.

Tired Teacher 2 said...

Great job!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

love the trains

Karen S said...

Great cushions. A very smart way to use the unicorn blocks. And a great catch up with the train cushion, too.

dq said...

The train cushion is so pretty, and I am sure the little foster care children will be so grateful to have a pillow for comfort as they transition from home. I think foster care is a wonderful thing to donate to.