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Saturday, March 22, 2025

RSC Yellow

 I've been working on the final yellow challenge for the month, making another double handed oven mitt.  The quest is to use up all my selvedges in the small bag this year, making these mitts as the colours are called for.  This is my third, I've done one in so far in dark blue, one pink, and now one in yellow.  As usual my layers are hessian, insulbrite and a layer of old toweling, and I had enough yellow selvedges to use on the whole project.

This oven mitt was completed up to the binding last week, and I took it along to my quilt club's Social Sewing day today.  It's too difficult for me to take my sewing machine along to these get-togethers, so stitching binding down is the ideal activity for me.

Stitching away

There were seven ladies there today, so as you can imagine there was plenty of chatter going on . Four of them were working on projects with their sewing machines and three of us were doing hand stitching.  As well as my binding being stitched, one was working on hexagons, and another was doing hand applique.  We meet in the Vintage Car Club rooms and take our lunches so it is a nice pleasant day, spent with like minded ladies.  There are plenty of tables and chairs, power points for the machines and iron, and kitchen facilities to make ourselves a cuppa.

In the Vintage Car Club rooms

The binding was finished and after lunch I started working on the binding on a donation quilt - more about that one later.

Yellow oven mitt done for March


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Sounds like a very lovely day with the quilting club. Your oven mitt looks fabulous, Jenny. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs.

Maria said...

It’s always lovely to spend time with like minded ladies and sew…
The yellow oven mitt is gorgeous.

Nancy J said...

That's a great mitt design, and the 3 layers are all such good insulation.I gave up going to a quilting group when my machine somehow seemed to add kilograms each time I carried it out to the. car.

Janice said...

Another beauty. They are so effective. I agree that it is too hard to lug a sewing machine along to club days. Much easier to do some hand work.

kiwikid said...

Fantastic use of all your selvedges.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Wonderful idea to use up those bits and do the RSC at the same time.

Julierose said...

I really like those oven mitts you make--this yellow one is so "Spring-ey"--nice work getting the binding all sewn down. Sounds like a great place for your meetings to take place. I hope you have a great weekend. hugs, Julierose

The Cozy Quilter said...

I live sewing with a group of friends too. Very motivating and fun to catch up with everyone as you sew. I have made several selvage quilts but still have lots left in my collection. I love your selvage oven mitts.

Sara said...

Sewing with friends is always fun. Those double oven mitts look so clever, and using those selvages was a great idea.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your yellow oven mitt is so fun, Jenny! Such a great way to use your selvages. Your Social Sewing day sounds fun, too - I would love to have a group like that!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I think it is hard taking a sewing machine along unless you have a wheeled bag to put it in and then you still have to lift it in and out of the car - I tended to bring hand work when attended those groups.

Jenn Jilks said...

That is really fun! I need a project. I am lacking motivation on this dull day.

Cathy said...

Oh,, what a neat oven mitt...what a great use for selvages - fancy and functional!

grammajudyb said...

Couldn’t agree more. No more machine lugging for me either. Sewing binding, embroidery, mending(NOT) lol. I love that double oven mitt. I really need to find a pattern and make some.

Jackie said...

I refuse to lug my machine to the Great Create, so bring embroidery or knitting.
I really love those double oven mitts you are making. I also need to find a pattern for those.

God bless.

Astrid said...

Another fun oven mitt! Such a great way using those selvages. Sewing machines are heavy, I think mine is about 10 kilos. Sounds like you ladies had a great day together.

Barwitzki said...

A regular sewing meetup like this is wonderful... unfortunately, I don't have that here. Luckily, there's Blogland :-)))
Beautiful oven mitt.
Best wishes to you and happy sewing. Viola

FlourishingPalms said...

This is such a nice oven mitt design. Very practical, and such a good way to use selvedges. If you're anything like me, they manage to accumulate as fast as they're used! Yellow is one of my favorite colors - bright, happy, sunshine-y. And it's always a good idea to have binding at the ready for hand-stitching with chatty friends. I find that's the most enjoyable way to do handwork.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

No reason to bring a sewing machine when you chat and hand stitch. The oven bit mitt was the perfect project to bring along.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on getting your YELLOW double-handed oven mitt done. Jenny!

Susan said...

a great way to use the selvedges...mine are beginning to overwhelm me...LOL...though maybe next year it can be my RSC too