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Sunday, March 2, 2025

Pink Socks and Blackberries

My pink socks have been a long drawn out project.  I received this lovely skein of sock wool from my daughter for Christmas 2023.

 Christmas gift from Nicky

I didn't cast these on till mid way through the year and the socks traveled with us down to the South Island in August when we went to celebrate my son Michaels's 60th birthday.  The trip across Cook Strait takes three hours so after something to eat in the cafe there is always time for a little knitting.

Knitting onboard the ferry

As I always seem to have more than one knitting project on the go, these socks were neglected for a while.  Then my daughter purchased some sock yarn in the Op Shop, asked for a copy of my pattern, and within a couple of weeks she had knitted her first pair of socks!  That really spurred me on to finish my own.  

I was soon up to the toes, that didn't take long, then sewing up the side seams.  Several have asked if the side seams make the socks uncomfortable to wear.  They run along the side/top of the foot and up the side of the leg, not under the sole, and I don't have any discomfort at all.  The weather is still nice and summery here, so I will tuck them away in my sock drawer to wear a little later.

Finally finished, that took a while

And just so you know, I've two pair of triple knit socks, my blue jumper, a baby's jumper, and a kitten blanket for the SPCA, all cast on and waiting their turns.  Plus all the quilting projects as well. No wonder I have trouble completing things, there is too much on the go!  

I was at a meeting last week and one of the ladies had brought along several bags of frozen blackberries to give away.  I gratefully took one, and made some blackberry crumble.  It was delicious, and I froze a couple of portions for later.

Blackberry crumble for dessert