Welcome to tales of my stitching life, home, family and friends.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Sew Wot Tuesday

Coming home from our recent Safari trip away, I had to convince Robin that we really didn't need an extra day away.  After all, it would be such a shame to miss my two weekly Tuesday Sew Wot get together.  So we returned home on the Monday instead - thank you Robin.   This time we met at Carol's home.  It was Jude's birthday, so we got to watch her opening up the Sew Wot's gifts.  I'm sure it is just as exciting for us as it is to the birthday girl.  

So what did we have for Show and Tell?  First up was a pair of orange socks Heather had made for herself, using up some odds and ends of wool.

Heather's new socks

Heather had also finished another pretty lap quilt.  This is the backing, isn't she clever!

Heather's lap quilt

Carol had another lot of baby singlets and toys, all packaged up ready to be sent to the Neo Natal ward in the hospital.

Baby donations knitted by Carol

Jude had completed two black pillowcases to go with the quilt she showed last time, these are for her grandson.

Jude's pillowcases

The six of us chatted happily away, busy with our various knitting projects, and then it was time for morning tea.  As it was Jude's birthday, she was presented with a cake complete with birthday candles, and we all sang Happy Birthday to her.

Morning tea

As always, we enjoyed a lovely morning together.  Thanks so much to Carol for being the hostess this time.

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