Many, many thanks to all who sent me blog post comments, emails, cards and phonecalls of condolences after the passing of my beloved husband Robin. I appreciate each and every one of your messages. Thanks also to those ladies who told me of their own losses too of their husbands, such a sad thing to go through for us all.
Robin's Memorial Service went well, although it was a trying day for me, as you can imagine. The front table was draped with a quilt I had made for his 60th birthday, "Memories of Work and Play" I had named it. On it I had arranged the framed Life Membership from the Caravan Club, together with his club hat. And on the other side our wedding photo, taken 41 years ago.
Ready for the service
And off to the side were many, many of Robin's caps pegged up on my little camping clothesline. People were invited to choose one to take home, and wear it in remembrance of Robin. I'm pleased to say that most of them found new homes. He loved his caps, and collected most of them during our travels.
He loved his caps
I have this quilt now displayed on my quilt ladder, and have decided to leave it out permanently when I change the other quilts, as a remembrance, together with lighting a candle each evening in his honour.
Friends have dropped off several pots of flowers too, which I will be able to trim down and plant outside in the garden once they have finished flowering.
To brighten my day, Trish said
I've been slowly getting through the days, some days are better than others, with no desire to spend time at my sewing machine just yet. But I do have a new knitting project to keep me busy. This was started many years ago by my friend Eileen for her grand daughter. The girl is almost a teen now I think, so I suggested to Eileen that she pass the knitting over to me - I can finish it and donate it to somewhere worthwhile. There was only about six inches done on the back, and as her knitting looked tighter than mine, I have unraveled it to start over again.
To keep me interested
The service would have been hard for you Jenny but the table looked lovely with Robin’s special things.
It will be nice to put your plants in your garden after flowering is finished.
Good to have some knitting to keep you busy. Hugs Maria
I’m glad that the memorial service was a fitting tribute to Robin. So many people will be thinking about their memories of time spent with Robin when they wear his hats. Maybe they will send you pictures of themselves wearing the hats in different places . Knitting seems like the perfect way to occupy yourself right now. Lovely flowers.
When my dad died, I told the story of how he loved to go for Black cherry ice cream when we were out and about at his funeral . I asked people to go have some black cherry ice cream in memory of dad and over the next several months, people would send me pictures of their ice cream cones. It made me smile every time .
What a good way to remember Robin, with all those caps... and giving them away. How nice that each person has a token from his life. I can imagine how difficult your days can be, and I'm sure the better days are gratefully accepted. Those flowers, planted in your garden will also be lovely reminders of the many people who care about you. From a great distance, I'm doing the same. Hugs.
Thank you for sharing about Robin's service - it looks perfect for him, with his caps and your quilt displayed. Finishing up that knitting project sounds like a good thing to be doing to keep your hands busy. Sending you a hug, Jenny!
a truly lovely tribute to your man...
My dear Jenny, that memorial is a wonderful tribute to your Robin. How generous of you to offer his hats as a remembrance to those who loved him. I'm sure that one day you will again enjoy working at your sewing machine. In the meantime, helping a friend by finishing and rehoming that project is a wonderful pastime. My thoughts are with you at this trying time.
Im so glad your DHs memorial went well. thinking of you. x
May you find solace in this season of warmth and love. Your friends across the world have you in their hearts, xoxo
What a wonderful idea to have the hats at the memorial. ((Hugs))
Hugs sent across the globe. I always admired your joint caravanning. What wonderful times you always had together, seeing wonderful places with great people. Having a partner for so long is such a blessing. I know you will miss him tremendously; 41 years is such an accomplishment and testament to your relationship. Take care of yourself.
Dear Jenny, Robin's memorial service though terribly difficult for you, sounds like the perfect service of remembrance and celebration of your dear Robin. I love that there are those who will be wearing Robin's hats and as they do think upon the wonderful memories they shared with him. The quilt is beautiful and the photo of your wedding is filled with joy. I'm glad you have some knitting to keep you busy. The desire to sew will return when you're ready. Please know that there are many all around the globe who are sending you many a hug and their sincere thoughts with each new day. Please take care, lovely Jenny. Xx
it looks like a fitting memorial for Robin - I like the idea of having others help themselves to his hats - that was a good idea. I find memorials so hard to get through. Take it one day at a time - thinking of you!
Blogger has being playing up here too, telling me that you are all non reply bloggers! I know this has also happened to many of you over the last wee while. Thanks for all your kind words, I certainly appreciate them all.
Hi Jenny, what a lovely tribute for Robin. Sorry I couldn’t make it but I thought of you that day. Take one day at a time. I’ll swing by sometime & see you. Xx
That was such a lovely gesture to hand out Robin’s hats. Good to have some knitting on had to easily pick up.
What a fitting way to celebrate Robin’s life. Gifting his caps to those who knew him well is a great way to remember him. I’m continuing to keep you in my thoughts.
a tough time indeed - but I love the idea of giving Robin's caps away to friends
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